Mini Nubian Dairy Goats
More bang for the buck, LOL.
Mini nubians are a great choice for any homestead. Sweet natured and small enough in stature for most everyone on the farm. Our girls produce wonderful creamy milk and are super mama’s. 2024 kidding season will start around the first of March
As I am planning for breeding here on the farm,
I am focusing on 1. Structurally strong and correct.
2. Robust Health 3. Good Udder development and milk production 4. Sweet natured. My herd is small and I will only have a few kids available every year as the goats are an integrated part of our whole homestead where we also raise chickens and vegetables. You can schedule a farm tour from March 14th on to see the baby goats.
Meet our Ladies…
RBF Ethel
Gambit Farms Valentine
Wilkens Farm Z galaxy
affectionately known as: Skittles
RBF Twix
Bo X Skittles
For Sale Bred to kid March 2024
RBF Sandy
Ethel x Shiloh
For Sale Bred to Kid March 2024
RBF Spot
Ethel x Shiloh
For Sale May be bread
And Our Guys….
Texas Tykes Sir Westley of Beaumont. We call him Bo
Cedar Creek Shiloh
RBF Heath
Shiloh x Valentine
Sale Barn
Doeling Twix x Heath BD 2/28/24
Buckling TwixXHeath BD 2/28/24
Doeling SandyXHeath BD 2/26/24
Doeling ValentineXBO BD 2/28/24
Doeling EthelXHeath BD 2/26/24
Buckling SandyXHeath BD 2/26/24